Code of conducts

Code of Conduct for All HSTT/HT and Volunteers

HSTT/HT and adult volunteers, who act in the name of the Catholic Church have special influence in the lives of the people to whom they minister. VEYM members in the Diocese and Archdiocese are called to treat others with respect and care whether on or off the parish grounds. HSTT/HT and adult volunteers must sign and agree to the Code of Conduct prior to service.


HSTT/HT and adult volunteers are required to:

  • Always act in accordance with the teachings of the Catholic
  • be competent, reliable, and
  • avoid being alone with minors and vulnerable
  • ensure that minors are properly
  • take immediate action in situations where others are placing minors/vulnerable adults in danger or potentially risky situation
  • report inappropriate conduct and suspected abuse to the pastor, parish screening coordinator or ministry supervisor; if it involves a priest/deacon, please contact the Archdiocese Delegate for receiving allegations relating to
  • directly report suspected abuse of minors to designated civil
  • refrain from drinking or being under the influence of alcohol while supervising minors; and
  • Always wear appropriate and modest


HSTT/HT and adult volunteers are required to:

  • maintain appropriate boundaries in ministerial relationships and work within the limits of their
  • refrain from relating to minors as their ‘friend’ or ‘parent-figure’.
  • ensure visibility by others if it is necessary to be alone with a minor, open doors, visibility through windows.
  • obtain the approval of the pastor and the permission of the parents when hosting an off -site event involving minors.


Communications including verbal, handwritten, and electronic means will only be for reasons pertaining to the HSTT/HT and adult volunteer’s role.

Physical Contact

Physical contact shall be appropriate to the situation and age of the participant and only permissible if:

  1. it does not cause disproportionate or unnecessary stress or anxiety to the participant; and
  2. it is entirely and unambiguously non-sexual.

Some examples of appropriate touch:

  • Shaking a participant’s hand in greeting
  • Holding hands in a prayer or song
  • Short hugs / High five

Corporal punishment is not acceptable at any time. Additional examples of inappropriate touch:

  • Kissing a participant or coaxing him or her into kissing you
  • Lengthy hugs or forceful frontal hugs
  • Cuddling / Tickling / Lap-sitting
  • Piggy-back rides / Wrestling
  • Stroking a participant’s hair
  • Touching buttocks or genital area

Assistance with Toileting/Dressing

Minors should not be assisted with toileting and/or dressing. If a situation arises (i.e.. accident or emergency) and assistance e is required, another person should be present. The situation should then be reported to the parent and/or coordinator.


HSTT/HT and adult volunteer drivers should be a minimum of 19 years of age.

  • receive permission of the minor or vulnerable adult’s parent/guardian,
  • ensure that the coordinator has knowledge of the driving arrangement, and
  • ensure that there is a third person in the

If required to drive minors and vulnerable adults on a periodic basis, HSTT/HT and adult volunteers should submit a suitable Drivers’ Abstract and Volunteer Driver form to the Local Parish Screening Coordinator.

Overnight Events/trips

In parish, diocesan or VEYM event activities involving overnight stays, a minimum of two screened adults must be present. All overnight trips must have specific approval from the pastor of the local Parish.


Every individual has the right to be free from harassment. Harassment is defined as objectionable conduct or comment, directed toward a specific person(s), which serves no legitimate work purpose, and has the effect of creating a humiliating, hostile or offensive environment.


Confidentiality must always be respected unless disclosure is required for reasons of:

  1. participant
  2. parental or professional intervention and guidance; and/or legal

    Review and Disclosure

    If incidents of concern arise, employees/volunteers should review the situation with the pastor or VEYM ministry

    coordinator. Dealings between HSTT/HT and adult volunteers and participants must be open and transparent. If an unduly close relationship develops between an HSTT/HT and adult volunteers and participant, the situation must be disclosed to the pastor or VEYM ministry coordinator in local jurisdiction.


    Expensive gifts from participants are inappropriate and should not be accepted. In some situations, it is appropriate to accept tokens of appreciation. The receipt of gifts from participants should be disclosed to ministry coordinators.

    Use of VEYM (TNTT) and or Parish Name & Property

    Speaking in the name of the VEYM (TNTT) and or parish shall be avoided unless specifically authorized by the pastor to do so. VEYM (TNTT) and or Parish resources (for example, keys/computers, etc.) are only to be used for their authorized/ intended purposes. These resources must be adequately safeguarded and must not be shared without authorization from the local Parish’s Pastor.

    I understand that a breach of any of the above may lead to disciplinary action.

    I acknowledge that I may be subject to a screening interview, reference checking, a police record check and vulnerable sector search if I am working with minors/vulnerable adults.