Youth Leader Training.
Training youth to become leaders among their generation are core component in our program empower our member to growth in faith and dedication in apostolic services to the younger.

Youth Educator Trainer
We develop and maintain a high standard educator trainer program in house to address specific Youth Leader formation according to the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church in advancement of the faith.

Consultation and Support
Information and support services are two very important activities in our program planning to effectively share resources, provide consultation and ultimately delegate representative to the local parish in the implementation step of new Chapter integration.

Vocation Discernment
The Eucharistic Youth Movement is gathering youth on good soil to nurture their strong root and healthy growth in religious formation and naturally encouraging the call for vocation discernment as every youth are children of God being call to “walk in the light of God” (Jn 8:12)

Companion and Knight Convention
National Eucharistic Youth convention gathers many youths from all provinces across Canada come together to meet their peers, share and renew their faith, learning new experiences, workshops, proclaim the good news, praise and worship, rally entertainments, and go forth with joy in the Lord.

Youth Leader Convention
Youth servant leaders across the country are gathering very fourth year to renew their faith, share success and challenge experiences, engage and consultation to learn new approach in effective youth leadership in ever challenging society.

Youth and youth leader retreats are routinely organizing at the regional and inter-chapters are many rest stops along the journey of faith helping candidates rediscover God presence in every moment of life.

Summer Camps
Summer camp programs services are available at various local inter-chapters for local children, teenage and youth to explore nature and develop social skills, learn disciplinary team work, try out leading roles, and strengthen their faith through praise and worship activities.