Event Registration (RM)

VEYM members, Register for access to events and training details by filling out the form below.

Biological sex*
Address Fields
The address information you provide will be used for verifying your identity and personalizing your experience on our VEYM platform. We ensure the confidentiality and security of your address details in compliance with our privacy policy.
Contact Information
Your contact information will be used for account-related communications and to keep you informed about updates and important notifications. We value your privacy and will not share your contact details with third parties without your consent.
Emergency Contact Info
Emergency Contact Information is required when register to attend in person event.
VEYM Member Identification
Your identification details are required for secure account creation and to ensure that your profile is unique and verifiable.
VEYM Leadership Details
Your VEYM status details help us tailor the content and services to match your interests and networking needs.
Executive Officer Endorsement
Declaration of positive Endorsement from Chapter and League of Chapter Executive Officer, and subject to verifiable signature up on requested is mandatory condition to enter all events organize by VEYM.
Pastor / Parochial Administrator Approval
Declaration of having obtained the approval for the Pastor or Parochial Administrator, and subject to verification of approval signature up on requested is mandatory condition to enter all events organize by VEYM.
Periodic Subscription

Social Media Presence
Sharing your social media profiles allows us to enhance your networking opportunities and integrate your online presence with our platform.