Who I am

Being born into a Catholic family in Vietnam, I’m forever grateful to God for giving me a chance to be his child through Baptism. Since then, I have participated in VEYM/TNTT until adulthood. During that time, I was a part of many experiences, in which Jesus has showed me through my daily life. I loved going to church every Sunday, enhancing my knowledge of and relationship with Jesus gradually day-by-day. However, I encountered an obstacle when I transitioned into university life where I had to choose between school or VEYM/TNTT. Because I wanted to organize my work effectively and focus only on the essential things, I eventually chose school. I spent more time studying on Thursdays and Sundays instead of participating in VEYM/TNTT. However, time flew and I realized that VEYM/TNTT had already become a part of me somehow; I missed it. I believed I could not run away from Jesus, because he loves me and wants me to be closer to Him. Eventually, almost surprisingly, after a long break away from VEYM/TNTT, I began going back to their weekly activities and meetings thanks to a friend. She inspired and encouraged me by her enthusiasm for VEYM/TNTT, even though we all spent nine-to-five hours a day studying and working. The first thing I noticed was that Jesus was patiently waiting for me to choose Him besides all my studying and leisure. He talked with me through my dear friend and her commitment to VEYM/TNTT. On the other hand, I realized my desire could not be as God wanted; He does amazing things that I could never predict and do as a human being. It was not a difficult time to restart with VEYM/TNTT because Jesus is always with me. After a short while, I learnt to balance my spiritual life with my school life. I loved being around Him and I found His image through my VEYM/TNTT friends, the kids, and likewise people around me. They are the presence of Jesus, and that was what inspired me to move forward to being a Eucharistic Youth Leader in VEYM/TNTT.

I always thought I would stay in my home country, but God had bigger plans for me in studying abroad. Perhaps, Jesus wanted me not only to share my faith in God in my home country, but worldwide. So he sent me to Canada where I found my second family, St. Teresa of the Child Jesus Chapter. I have a deep affection towards the kids and other Youth Leaders here, despite their differences in language and daily habits. I am constantly getting more enthusiastic and dynamic in my VEYM/TNTT activities. I have found new friends in Canada who tell me of their own experiences in VEYM/TNTT and how they get close to Jesus. Some of them who I admire have given me a chance to contribute to God’s work. He also opens my knowledge through manual workshops about consolation, desolation, and so many other fruitful topics. Jesus keeps me busy in a vibrant life but also arranges my time for relaxing. I find great peace and spiritual relaxation through several Silent (and not so silent) retreats organized by VEYM/TNTT throughout the year. Those quiet moments give me a chance to give thanks to God for my whole life, telling him about my story and asking for confession to help me have a peaceful mind and build a relationship with Him more closely. If anyone asks me who I am, or what I experience as a Eucharistic Youth Leader, I will say I am the servant who shares the fire of God to people like how Jesus is the great teacher who gets my heart burning by his Word.

Linh Tran